Autobio/ Mission Statement

Cubism Self Portrait
Hi, my name's Adrienne and I'm stuck in High-School. I'm seventeen but the size of a twelve year old. It's my last year of high-school and I'm intensely too tired because of this new sleep schedule. I go to school all day, I go to work, then I get off of work around 11-12 pm , get home, take a shower, and go to sleep. Then I wake up at five and do it all over again.

In my free time, I take my dogs on walks, play with my cats, and draw. Cats are my favorite thing ever. I cry every-time my mom says she's going to give them away. My dogs on the other-hand are huge. Rot Weiler, Doberman, and Lab. They're huge but loving. My drawing's look pretty good if I say so myself. I like to draw Zen tangles, which are random drawings with two objects sticking out.

Art isn't my best subject. In art class they tell you what to draw and make, and I can.t. My hands only make what my mind makes up.

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